Ausführliche Erläuterung des Funktionsprinzips des Hochfrequenzwechselrichters
Ausführliche Erläuterung des Funktionsprinzips des Hochfrequenzwechselrichters

Hochfrequenz-Wechselrichter-Elektrogeräte sind eine Art Schaltgeräte, die im industriellen Bereich eingesetzt werden. Was ist das Funktionsprinzip von Hochfrequenz-Wechselrichtern?? Dieses Gerät wird durch Programmlogik gesteuert. High frequency inverter can be used in the telecommunications industry and is a switching device in computer rooms. This kind of power supply can be used in the solar energy industry and power generation industry. It is a switching power supply device that uses data line output and is very safe. This article mainly introduces the working principle of high-frequency inverter and the difference between high-frequency inverter and low-frequency inverter. Follow the editor to learn more.

A high-frequency inverter is a DC to AC transformer. It is actually a voltage inversion process with a converter. The working principle of the high-frequency inverter is that the converter converts the AC voltage of the power grid into a stable 12V DC output, while the inverter converts the 12V DC voltage output by the Adapter into high-frequency, high-voltage AC power; both parts are equally The widely used pulse width modulation (PWM) technology is adopted. Its core part is a PWM integrated controller, the Adapter uses UC3842, and the inverter uses TL5001 chip. The operating voltage range of TL5001 is 3.6~40V. It is equipped with an error amplifier, a regulator, an oscillator, a PWM generator with dead zone control, a low-voltage protection circuit and a short-circuit protection circuit.

1. Input connection part: Der Eingabeteil hat 3 Signale, 12V DC-Eingang VIN, Arbeitsfreigabespannung ENB und Panel-Stromsteuersignal DIM. Die VIN wird vom Adapter bereitgestellt, und die ENB-Spannung wird von der MCU auf dem Motherboard bereitgestellt. Its value is 0 oder 3V. Wenn ENB=0, Der Wechselrichter funktioniert nicht, und wenn ENB=3V, the inverter is in normal working condition and the DIM voltage is Provided by the mainboard, its variation range is between 0~5V. Different DIM values are fed back to the feedback terminal of the PWM controller. Auch der Strom, den der Wechselrichter der Last liefert, ist unterschiedlich. Je kleiner der DIM-Wert ist, the smaller the current output by the inverter. Je größer.

2. Voltage starting circuit: When ENB is at a high level, it outputs high voltage to light up the Panel's backlight tube.
3. PWM-Controller: Es hat die folgenden Funktionen: interne Referenzspannung, Fehlerverstärker, Oszillator und PWM, overvoltage protection, undervoltage protection, Kurzschlussschutz, and output transistor.

4. DC-Umwandlung: A voltage conversion circuit is composed of a MOS switching tube and an energy storage inductor. The input pulse is amplified by a push-pull amplifier and drives the MOS tube to perform switching actions, so that the DC voltage charges and discharges the inductor, so that the other end of the inductor can Get AC voltage.

5. LC-Schwingungs- und Ausgangsschaltung: ensure the 1600V voltage required to start the lamp, and reduce the voltage to 800V after the lamp is started.

6. Rückmeldung der Ausgangsspannung: Wenn die Last funktioniert, the sampling voltage is fed back to stabilize the inverter voltage output.

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